
Showing posts from March, 2019

A tale of two ghosts

Hi, today's post was written by my friend Ehiane about something she has experienced recently. Enjoy while you read!        The dictionary defines ghosting as the practice of ending a personal relationship with someone by, suddenly and without explanation, withdrawing from all communication. This is an experience I am quite familiar with because I have been ghosted not once, but twice.         Ghosting can be quite damaging to a person. It puts one in an awful psychological state of mind. The person that got ghosted begins to doubt themselves, they might even develop self-esteem issues, and the list goes on and on. Ghosting can be quite tricky especially when the relationship is not quite defined, so it leaves you even more confused because you ask yourself “what were we actually?”. When I say relationship, I mean it in the broad sense because ghosting does not just happen in romantic relationships. It occurs in platonic relat...