
Showing posts from January, 2019

New Year Reso-Oh please!

           I know some time has passed but we’re still in January so I figured it’s not too late to talk about New Year Resolutions. I randomly stumbled on a book I used to write in around 2014/2015 and as I was flipping through, I came across the New Year Resolutions I made for 2015. I know a lot of people make a mockery of New Year Resolutions, they find making them a waste of time because a lot of them feel it’s impossible for a person to actually make positive changes in their lives through them.              There were 13 things on that list I made at the end of 2014. I noticed that out of 13, I achieved 9 of them i.e 69% in 2015, 8 of which I achieved wholly and 2 half way. Between 2016 and now, I achieved one and half more. The deadline for the 11th goal passed in 2015 because I was too chicken to go for it, leaving me with one and half unaccomplished as at now.          This litt...

The Hebrew Woman

     Hey guys, sorry for the hiatus. The last week of the year and first week of a new year are usually periods of deep reflection for me especially since my birthday falls within that period. Haven’t been able to write much mainly due to that but I’m back now.      So, this is something that has always bothered me for a couple of years now and I decided to write on it today. Growing up, I noticed there’s this subtle shame/reservation  people have towards methods of giving birth/having a child other than the natural “push method”. These methods I’m talking of are Caesarean sections(CS), In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and Surrogacy. A good number if people make it seem like women that opt for these methods are somehow weaker, incomplete or that the babies are abnormal. To be honest though, I actually bought into that ideology when I was much younger (probably due to societal conditioning) but as I grew up and began to think for myself, I realized how fl...