
Showing posts from 2019

My Self-Confidence journey:Tips that could help build your self-confidence

           A while ago, I randomly came across a diary I had when I was in secondary school. Flipping through, I discovered it was a safe haven for me then, a place where I came to vent about the insecurities I battled with at that point in my life. It made me reflect on how far I have come in my self-confidence journey. On one hand, I laughed a lot seeing the type of things I used to be so bothered about then. On the other hand, I was super grateful for being able to overcome all those things that affected my confidence in myself.             Now we all have out insecurities, weaknesses, inadequacies, flaws and you name it. These things on their own naturally weigh you down. I have come to realize that a significant portion of the success we achieve in various aspects of life depends on our ability to overcome them and channel them to good use. Building my self-esteem is something I have been very deliberate abo...


Hi, this was written by my friend Ehiane about nurturing friendships Enjoy!        We do not get to choose our family, but we have a say when it comes to choosing our friends. Friendship, to me is one of the best relationships there is, and this is probably why I have a lot of friends. I have friends older than me, friends younger than me, and friends in my age group. Boyfriends come and go, but friends are always going to be there. I am very intentional about my friendships and maintaining friendships for me, is a huge deal. There are people that say, “we do not have to talk every time, we can go three years without speaking but we are still friends.” Are you sure sis? To me, if you have a friend that you have not spoken to in three years, you guys are acquaintances at best. Friendship is a constant and very deliberate act of being there for each other.        Anyone who knows me knows that I invest a lot in my friendships and my frien...

A tale of two ghosts

Hi, today's post was written by my friend Ehiane about something she has experienced recently. Enjoy while you read!        The dictionary defines ghosting as the practice of ending a personal relationship with someone by, suddenly and without explanation, withdrawing from all communication. This is an experience I am quite familiar with because I have been ghosted not once, but twice.         Ghosting can be quite damaging to a person. It puts one in an awful psychological state of mind. The person that got ghosted begins to doubt themselves, they might even develop self-esteem issues, and the list goes on and on. Ghosting can be quite tricky especially when the relationship is not quite defined, so it leaves you even more confused because you ask yourself “what were we actually?”. When I say relationship, I mean it in the broad sense because ghosting does not just happen in romantic relationships. It occurs in platonic relat...

How I choose my battles

                  We’ve all heard the phrase “Choose your battles wisely”. To choose one’s battles wisely: To actively choose not to participate in minor, unimportant or overly difficult arguments, contests or confrontations, saving one’s strength for those that will be of greater importance or in which one has a greater chance of              Often times in life, we’re faced with situations where it feels like a number of things are “attacking” us at once or at times it might just be one thing rearing its ugly head at us. If you’re not careful, you might be tempted to go after all of them. This will most likely end up making you feel drained and discontent because of a truth, not every battle in life is worth fighting. Not everything is worth devoting your energy to. So how then do we figure out the battles worth fighting and the ones we should let go?   ...

Utilising the big scissors

           I initially wanted to title this post “How to know when a person is toxic for you” but after putting some thought to it, I decided otherwise because I realized “Toxic” is quite a strong word. We tend to just throw it around without realizing the gravity of it. Toxic- Extremely harsh,malicious or harmful-Merriam-Webster Dictionary Let’s just say in life, you’re bound to come across and form connections with people that don’t give you "good vibes". The fact that they don't give you "good vibes" is enough to distance yourself from them and if their presence in your life is detrimental to the extent that it's "toxic" you can cut them off completely. Mind you this doesn't necessarily make them bad people, it just means they're not good for YOU.            Navigating my way through life all these years, I’ve come across some people I’ve had to let go of and there are people that have had to let go of me as w...

New Year Reso-Oh please!

           I know some time has passed but we’re still in January so I figured it’s not too late to talk about New Year Resolutions. I randomly stumbled on a book I used to write in around 2014/2015 and as I was flipping through, I came across the New Year Resolutions I made for 2015. I know a lot of people make a mockery of New Year Resolutions, they find making them a waste of time because a lot of them feel it’s impossible for a person to actually make positive changes in their lives through them.              There were 13 things on that list I made at the end of 2014. I noticed that out of 13, I achieved 9 of them i.e 69% in 2015, 8 of which I achieved wholly and 2 half way. Between 2016 and now, I achieved one and half more. The deadline for the 11th goal passed in 2015 because I was too chicken to go for it, leaving me with one and half unaccomplished as at now.          This litt...

The Hebrew Woman

     Hey guys, sorry for the hiatus. The last week of the year and first week of a new year are usually periods of deep reflection for me especially since my birthday falls within that period. Haven’t been able to write much mainly due to that but I’m back now.      So, this is something that has always bothered me for a couple of years now and I decided to write on it today. Growing up, I noticed there’s this subtle shame/reservation  people have towards methods of giving birth/having a child other than the natural “push method”. These methods I’m talking of are Caesarean sections(CS), In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and Surrogacy. A good number if people make it seem like women that opt for these methods are somehow weaker, incomplete or that the babies are abnormal. To be honest though, I actually bought into that ideology when I was much younger (probably due to societal conditioning) but as I grew up and began to think for myself, I realized how fl...